I witnesssed the silliest game of H O R S E.
Of course it starts with the normal shots which quickly deteriorated into crazy ideas one upped (or one downed better) by crazier ideas.
The photo shows one of the sillier ones, carrying a kid while doing a layup. Or putting a high school young man on your back while attempting a layup.
I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen the essential turn to noise. Something that is very relevant and needed, such as getting a good head count becomes the only thing we are about.
Or earning money being something
we seek to survive then becomes – doing better, which becomes – used as a tool then – showing off -> and then it goes downhill.
The essential becomes noise.
It’s so prevalent in so many things. I’d hate to just say it’s human nature and that’s the way it will be.
I don’t know how to stop it but I have a few ideas.
- Having someone you can be accountable to, and agree to boundaries in advance… ie no physically carrying other individuals while doing lay ups
- Being aware of our propensity to spiral down and to be on the lookout in a very honest look at ourselves
I’m sure there are more ways and I’d love to hear them.