A basketball on a soccer field doesn’t make much sense. But this is how I see a lot of life.
When coaching my son’s baseball team years ago, before the game I would ask the kids “who wants to win?”. I would then ask them, “who is going to play to win?”.
I’m convinced these are 2 different things. Everyone wants to be successful, every kid wants to win every game but when it comes to sports you have to ask yourself 2 questions.
- Will I train to win
- Will I play to win?
Same thing in so much of life.
- Will you eat to lose weight?
- Will you workout to get fit?
- Will you spend less to save money?
- Will you study more to learn the material better?
- Will you pray and read your bible more to deepen your relationship with God?
We know what you want but what are you willing to do?