As person that runs an organization (business, church team) we often seem to think others care about the organization as much as we do. The assumption is I sent an email one time 2 years ago and everyone should know I have this amazing product or service to offer.
The reality is most people have something they are running as well and assumes the same thing about others. Most of their time is spent working on their project or watching Netflix, not on what you mentioned one time a long time ago.
With that said we have to be careful to orchestrate a customer journey that guides them through the process of discovery, experience, delight and reminders. Most business are good at the first 3 but the reminder is the tough part.
I would be lying to say I have it figured out but with so many tools easily available it’s not hard to start throwing noddles at the wall.

Steps 1-3 is a great road but ultimately doesn’t lead to anywhere