I’ve designed logos for people establishing a brand for their company, church or personal projects. When starting something new or when we want to move a project to the next level one of the first things think of is our LOGO, and how it will one day be iconic as the APPLE logo and branding.
But lets be clear, your logo is not your brand.
Looking at the 2 brands in the photo
- Whataburger – I think of quality fast food at a decent price. I expect good customer service (not Chick File A good, but close), my food to be made right the first time, and my meal to be placed in it’s own bag.
- America – The land of the free the home of the brave, but what does that mean? A place for opportunity, a place where we can be openly critical of the our government without fear of recourse, a place where others want to migrate to because you can be whatever you want to be.
Does that mean that both places get it right all the time? Nope. Nor does it mean that it’s so jacked up that we should throw it away and start over.
But now what does that mean for your brand?
What does your brand stand for in your customers eyes? (your opinion doesn’t count)
What does your brand want be? (your opinion does count here)
How can you bridge the gap?