And like that the lights are starting to come down. The Reliant sponsored giant ornament is gone. As well as the lights on the Christmas tree.

The funny thing about Christmas as we celebrate it (meaning gift giving on December 25th) is it last 3 hours, maybe. But we spend months prepping for the “event”. The stress of picking out the perfect gift, the financial burden we will carry around for the next year(s) and the emotional turmoil of balancing being “fair”.

But is it worth it?

I’d say yes (and no) but mostly yes.

At least for me I love giving gifts. If it’s something I bought great but I equally enjoy giving a gift that I made. The only criteria for me is how the person responds. If I buy a $3000 watch and my wife doesn’t appreciate or use it, it’s a fail. But if I make her a front door snowman and reverse scare crow out of fence boards that she looks forward to putting out year after year. Who cares that it only cost $15 to make. That’s a win.

As the lights are turned out and packed away for the year hopefully we can look forward to future Christmas seasons and remember meaningful useful gifts trump flashy expensive gifts every time.