I often have a situation where I’d like to talk about something but talking about it makes me hypocritical… for example complaining about people who complain.
Another topic is my self-righteousness. It’s super easy for me to look at Adams (original sin) self-righteousness and claim I’d do better.
When looking at someone else’s struggle with distance (of time and or space) everything becomes easier. Everything from dropping some extra weight to raising “better” children.
The problem is we often lack something when making these judgements. One thing normally missed is nuance, it gets overlooked when you are throwing rocks from afar.
Nuance and empathy are good friends.
So today before you judge consider getting close enough to see the details you may have missed you may find empathy in there.

Note: I don’t know what “better” kids look like. I often I hear of people yelling from the sidelines about other people kids behavior. I can only assume they are saying you need to do a better job of making better kids…