I know they seem like it, but they aren’t. Mushrooms don’t just suddenly appear out of nowhere, but instead they are the fruit of something that was already there. Mycelium is the root system that produces the fruit MUSHROOMS.
The interesting this is how fast the mushroom sprouts, a few years ago I noticed a few very large mushrooms in my front yard that simply spouted overnight and then they were gone.
I think that’s how a lot of life works, we assume the fruit of what we are seeing is a stand alone thing.
When you snap at your kid or spouse, the action that “caused” the snap normally isn’t problem… but in reality it’s much deeper.
Take a step back today look at the fruit of something you thought may be a stand alone issue and consider, what are the roots?

Here is a Wikipedia about the system – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycelium