There is a lens that I love but with a certain camera it often misses focus and I don’t notice it until I get it on a larger display. If I’m photographing a family I don’t have the luxury or staring at the back of the camera to see if I mailed critical focus.
If I have Alicia with me, I’ll hand the camera to her and have her check my focus so I can keep engaging with the family especially the young kids.
It’s my assumption most people don’t lack focus. They just tend to focus on the wrong thing.
That thing can be very specific like being a better golfer instead of spending time with a spouse. Other time it can be more topical such as focusing on entertainment instead of studies, or on negativity instead of pmoving forward.
Maybe a good practice is to have someone you trust check over your shoulder and zoom in on your life to see if have the right objects in focus.